sparrow coffee

project: renovation of an existing 2 story brick building to be a coffee shop and community hub
location: austin neighborhood of chicago, il
role: interior detailing + modeling, furniture design
team: seek design + architecture - overall building design + concept by kai liu and jose garcia, base building model by alison newmeyer
The smell of coffee greets you as you enter a double height space in an old 2 story brick building in Chicago's Austin neighborhood. the original tile floors ground you with a homey feeling, while the rhythm of linear lights and beams above give structure and depth to the space. You order a cappuccino while appreciating the exposed Chicago common brick walls, wondering how long those bricks have been there. The space feels industrial, yet a little bit more unique than your typical hipster coffeeshop.

You wander back to through the cafe along what seems like an infinity of green velvet banquette, cleverly built into the wall, with armrests doubling as tables, but decide to aim for the patio. It's a beautiful day out there, why would you want to sit inside when you can feel the sun on your face??

Yeah it looks great out there. A louvered canopy with linear lights that continue the rhythm from the interior, making the patio feel like a continuation of the inside of the cafe. Raised flower beds add a bit of division and privacy, making it feel cozy, you're nestled in the plants sipping your cappuccino, leafing through a magazine, enjoying the afternoon.